George, Probably Blogs

Reason #34: Early Starts

I woke up a couple of hours ago, my alarm going off around 5:40. Anyone who knows me, knows that that isn't usually a time I voluntarily wake up at. The thing is - I have a lot to get done today! Because of that, I ordered groceries to be delivered at 6am, I've had breakfast, and I'm just about to head onto set for what will probably be a 12-hour workday.

As discussed in Reason 32, days like today are what I live for. It will be a lot of stress, a lot of coffee, and a lot of improvisation - but the day will feel like 12 seconds instead of 12 hours, and by the end of the week, we'll have filmed a film.

The real hard work for me starts after the filming, getting it all edited, but that's a challenge for future George to prepare for and deal with!

Yesterday was a 6/10

This post is part of a series called "The Reason". I haven't committed to living forever, but I find a reason to live for one more day every day. Read the rest of the series here.

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