George, Probably Blogs

Reason #26: The Desire For Numbers

Listen, I know that back in Reason 6 I said that "the simplicity is what makes it such a joy to use" in regards to, and though for the most part that is true, there is no denying that there is still a part of me that is curious about the viewing numbers on this journey.

With only 5 days (including this one) of the originally planned run-time remaining, the question must be asked: Will I keep going after 30 days? The honest answer is "I don't know". It's the kind of thing that numbers could make easier. If every reason was getting 100,000 views, it'd be a no-brainer to keep going.

I guess I have 4 days to figure out if there will be a 31st reason that I post. If you're reading this: know that even if it's never published, I will have a 31st reason in my mind.

Weirdly, my favourite part of this whole process has been figuring out the little bit of text I put before the link when I post it on Mastodon. It takes the format of: "Sometimes, xxx", and it's really fun. Today will be: "Sometimes, the reason is contradictory." If you want to see the others, take a look at my Mastodon.

Today was a 6/10

This post is part of a series called "The Reason". I haven't committed to living forever, but I find a reason to live for one more day every day. Read the rest of the series here.

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