George, Probably Blogs

Reason #18: Music

If someone ever decides to make a movie about my life, feel free to hit me up and I'll have a soundtrack ready to go.

Whether it's musicians people expect me to like, like Bastille, Imagine Dragons, and half·alive, or those that make everyone give me a look of "Really? You listen to that?" with Stormzy, Dave, and Ghetts, there is no denying that I tend to fall down an artist rabbit hole and just binge albums on repeat. (links all go to the artist's YouTube Channel)

I have music playing in the background almost all of the time, whether I am playing some Rocket League, editing videos, or typing this reason right now! (current song)

Tomorrow is a new week, and it's looking like it might be a busy one. Whenever I'm travelling, music is how I get into the right mindset before I arrive at a location. Heading somewhere I'm about to set the whole place on fire (metaphorically)? This is the song. Thinking about those I love? Something like this. Feeling like absolute crapola? There's a song for that too!

No matter the situation, music has a way of intensifying those emotions. It's why when I'm listening to music and hear something particularly impactful I'll post the lyrics and a link to the song to my Statuslog - so make sure to take a look if you want to see what's on my mind! Disclaimer: I listen to lots of sad music.

Today was a 6/10

This post is part of a series called "The Reason". I haven't committed to living forever, but I find a reason to live for one more day every day. Read the rest of the series here.

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