George, Probably Blogs

Reason #11: Subset Games

This is a bit of a weird one - but I have recently gotten back into games developed by Subset Games. I was watching my friend Krayven streaming Faster Than Light on Twitch, and I realised it had been a while since I had played the game.

FTL is one of my favourite games of all time, described as a '"spaceship simulation roguelike-like" [which] allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy filled with glory and bitter defeat.' Better still - it's currently under £2 on Steam!

There have been many attempts to copy the charm of FTL, but no one has quite managed to match the balance of the original.

Their follow-up game, Into The Breach, isn't as universally loved. It's a different style of game, but I love it just as much as FTL. So much so that I own it on 3 separate platforms. Android (included with Netflix Games), Nintendo Switch, and PC!

I love both games deeply, and I have accidentally lost many hours to both games. Especially over the last week.

Today was a 7/10

This post is part of a series called "The Reason". I haven't committed to living forever, but I find a reason to live for one more day every day. Read the rest of the series here.

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