George, Probably Blogs

Keeping myself accountable - the forced timetable.

Assuming the world hasn't ended, this should be the 8th week in a row that I have posted something on this weblog (ignoring some pre-launch test posts). Firstly: if you're reading this, thank you! Honestly? This is primarily a space for me to satisfy my need to rant about some of the weirdest stuff, so if you find it enjoyable, I am eternally grateful.

Secondly: How am I doing this? I have never been known to be particularly consistent, and this will make it two months-ish in a row without incident. The secret? I schedule these posts way in advance. It's currently the 20th of January as I write this, but here's the thing: I will probably stop writing this post after this sentence. Why? Because I haven't finished the post going out in 11.5 hours. This post is due to go up on the 24th of February, and regardless of whether or not I finish it, it will go live.

This stead-fastness ensures that I have to write something, not because I've got something grand to say (That being said: ideation and titling for posts happen weeks in advance. If you want to see stuff in the pipeline, you can take a sneak peek in the Github repo), but because this is as much a writing exercise as it is a cathartic rant space.

Because of that, this space will always be a little bit chaotic, even as I try to find order, and that's fine. The reality of life is that everything doesn't fit into a perfect little box, and trying to enforce that by order vigidly is a recipe for disaster in the long-term. There have been unexpected bonus posts, and weeks where I've spent more time writing CSS than an actual article, but it has all been an incredible exercise.

Happy 10th post, hopefully the next 10 are just as interesting!

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